FOR I = 1 TO 9/DO IT
希望还有人记得 自创Spell Card:磁符【磁场切割防御不能】
贴吧:超级马里奥作者:超级ZYH兄弟 2010-08-15 21:53
【MV】迪士尼女星Bella Thorne首单《Call It Whatever》MV首播!
贴吧:hardlyevers官方作者:胡子哥A君 2014-06-03 17:05
【品味猛士的士高】无章的自由 渴望 Jeannie - Freedom
当年风靡全国的“猛士的士高舞曲系列(一)中最动人的旋律,FREEDOM/PEOPLE SAY IT'S IN THE AIR -JEANNIE HERREY 无章的自由/渴望 的原曲,该曲其实是将两首经典80欧舞融合而成,另外一首是1985年的PEOPLE SAY IT'S IN THE AIR,由当时的名团HERREY所演唱. 该曲出自80年代奥地利歌星Falco(凡尔克)在1985年推出的抒情说唱——"Jeanny" (1957年出生在音乐之都维也纳,1998年因车祸去世,) Falco(凡尔克)是最早把说唱带到欧洲流行乐和摇滚乐的歌手之一,作为最早一批欧洲说唱音乐,是国际上广泛认可的说唱乐佳作。1985年更以一曲Rock Me Amadeus 摇滚亚美特斯轰动世界乐坛,成为全球各大音乐排行榜上位居前列的名曲。(该曲曾经收录在当年的”猛士的士高(七)"中,已上传过) 1986年女歌手JEANNIE又把这首名曲重新演绎为迪斯科版本,也就是现在大家听到的FREEDOM 自由
贴吧:野人的士高作者:博白吧代吧组 2014-06-03 20:20
Open Lou职业杯摩纳哥反1:23.847视频
就这样了,配乐为楼主喜爱的歌 冰雪奇缘--Let it go
贴吧:狂野飙车8作者:啪啪啪大师级别 2014-06-03 20:21
有没有沛县版《Let it go》?
贴吧:沛县作者:万恶的救世主 2014-06-03 21:20
【教程】 ◇06-03◆AE教程:跟踪遮罩合成技术
06.Particles for custom track mattes 08:09 自定义粒子遮罩
贴吧:视频制作作者:旷世奇才Hti 2014-06-03 21:54
回复:【It's always been you!】
贴吧:reign_francis作者:赫本之韵 2015-12-03 13:21
锟截革拷锟斤拷V社程序猿有话说:won't include the next operation
原文:Hey, guys. There is nice update in the works, but I don't know the ETA for it. It will have cool stuff, but won't include the next operation. That will come later. So take anything you hear with a grain of salt unless it comes directly from someone at Valve. :-) We'll post on the blog when we have more to say about this next update!
贴吧:csgo作者:农夫三拳有佃痛 2015-12-03 14:27
I can’t talk about Star Wars too much, but it is one of the biggest movies – from the cast to the props, everybody that comes together on this franchise – it’s going to be a phenomenal, huge blockbuster movie. Star Wars was my very first sci-fi movie, which I saw when I was 14, 15, and now my kids are very excited for their father to be in this film. There are so many Star Wars fans in the world that I’m sure this film is going to make a tremendous impact in the industry.
我不能谈论星球大战太多,但它最大的制作的电影之一 - 从铸造到道具,大家,一起来对这支电影 - 这将是一个惊人的,巨大的电影大片。星球大战是我的第一个科幻电影,我看的时候我14岁,15岁看的,现在我的孩子们都非常兴奋他们的父亲是在这部影片中扮演。有世界上那么多的星战迷,我敢肯定,这部电影将会使在业界产生了巨大影响。
贴吧:甄子丹作者:子丹子弹 2015-12-03 14:33
This is how it should of went down. Fck that. Tai was just too busy being a leader, he didnt have time to correspond his feelings to Sora. But naw, we decided to hook Matt and Sora up, just because he saved her on that one night. I doubt Matt even was attracted to her, his love seemed lit by Sora’s motherly affections which Matt did lack in his life and to him that was attractive.
But haaaay. Whatevs. Hope mah boy Taichi finds his otp.
Trust me we all felt that way since Taiora has been so close to everyone….. Canon dosent define the ship we all stand for XD.
Im sure that Taichi will find someone better in Tri (Dont know who exactly but he will find the happiness that Sora found in Yamato)
Remember Sorato was on Sora’s call.
贴吧:和空作者:小妮QUEENIE 2015-12-03 14:43


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