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    Mwngz caeuq dou doxmoeb baenaj,aiq dou coih mwngz ma ranz. 如果你能和我们并肩作战,也许我们就能帮你回家。 You help us with the battle ahead, perhaps we can help you get home.
    Byaraiz 1-2
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    Miz song aen ngoenz naekgywggywg youq ndaw ciuhvunz duh mwngz cix dwg aen ngoenz mwngz seng caeuq aen ngoenz mwngz ra raen roenrox. The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why. 你人生中有两个最重要的日子:一是你出生的日子,二是你发现自己存在意义的日子。
    Byaraiz 6-15
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    Doengh'yiengh gienghndei dahraix,mbouj yungh vunz ragrwzcoq. Beautiful things don't ask for attention. 真正美丽的东西,并不会刻意寻求别人的目光。
    Byaraiz 6-13
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    Sing'angq dwg yw yw caw nyap. Music is the medicine of a troubled mind. 音乐是治疗心灵苦恼的药。
    Byaraiz 6-12

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