关注: 373,159 贴子: 5,941,766


  • 目录:
  • 单机与主机游戏
  • 59
    时间:12月21号到1月7号 倍率:1.5倍
    菲泽 6-5
  • 186
    该贴用于汇总更新方舟官方(通配符)的日志并进行人工翻译,如有错误敬请谅解,欢迎友善讨论。 (为方便查看,可点击只看楼主,并按发帖时间降序或顺序排序)
    99ARK 12:06
  • 131
    【活动参数】 单机/非专业服务器可以在高级设置中手动输入代码启动该事件: -ActiveEvent=FearEvolved 【活动日期】 本次万圣节活动日期:10月19日 - 11月2日 (太平洋时间) 其它详情内容请看图片。 论坛原地址:https://survivetheark.com/index.php?/articles.html/community-cru 如果有错漏欢迎补充。Fear Evolved 6
  • 44
    本次夏季活动日期: 7月1日13时 - 7月15日13时 (太平洋时间) 国内 +15-16小时左右 单机/非专业服务器可以在高级设置中手动输入以下代码启动该事件: Active Event: summer 非官方专业服务器启动参数: -activeevent=summer 在本次活动期间我们将在创世纪二官方服务器禁用Baby Boon & Maewing Poach 简单的说就是禁止交配间隔缩短&婴儿成长的世界增益。 其它内容请看详情图 , 如果漏错欢迎补充
  • 64
    Love Evolved 3/爱之进化3 [活动详情] 可以使用该参数手动激活此事件:-ActiveEvent=vday 为了不影响其它地图上的奖励,在情人节活动期间,我们将禁用官服创世纪:2服务器的加快交配间隔、婴儿成长的世界Buff。 [活动日期] 2月9日 - 2月16日(国内可能会晚13-15小时 或更久) 时间有点短后续可能会修改 [活动事件] 钓起 "情人节腔棘鱼" 可获得巧克力、糖果、袖珍宠物(Chibi/迷你生物) 交配会随机掉落巧克力和糖果 [活动皮肤] "熊抱" 泳装皮肤 *新
  • 91
    以下是文字是部分介绍,详情请看以上图片 【活动详情】 可以使用参数手动激活此事件:-ActiveEvent=WinterWonderland 二楼或三楼会有教程教你开启 【活动日期】 12月14日至1月6日 (国内晚13-15小时左右) 【活动生物】 圣诞迅猛龙 圣诞嘎查 【活动表情】 "圣诞老人式笑声"表情 *新的* "歌颂"表情 "欢乐鼓掌"表情 "胡桃夹子舞"表情 【活动皮肤】 圣诞老人服装(全身) *新的* 动画版副栉龙 *新的* 三款全新的男&女圣诞主题丑毛衣 *
    墨迹Fhua 4-14
  • 24
    官方原贴:网页链接 建议倒序查看 非更新回复在楼中楼回复,尽量不要占楼 每人都可以更新,但是请注意翻译质量和格式!
    生尽欢 8-14
  • 8
    网页链接 这是dododex开发者创建的网页,是英文,但是就几个简单单词,不懂的建议自行翻译,由于是个人维护的网页,所以会存在错误的情况,我看到会去提醒作者,就这样。
    jyand_qwe 7-8
  • 470
    本贴会更新后续更新日志,供各位吧友随时查看! 官方原帖:https://survivetheark.com/index.php?/forums/topic/388254-pc-patc 本贴禁止回复!
  • 71
  • 37
    长管步枪 穿甲伤害提高40% 制式狙击步枪穿甲伤害提高25% 冰原泰坦冰冻能力减到12秒 植物Y陷阱时间减到10秒 暗影牛排去除光敏感 森林泰坦不能抓泰克保护罩里目标,以及机甲骑手
    所谓离别 12-26
  • 10
    当前版本号:v296.101 - 2019年5月14日 Current Version: v296.101 - May 14, 2019 全地图上百个网格洞的修补优化,包括优化移动时角色与地形实际碰撞效果,使得与玩家看到的地形更好的匹配。 Hundreds of fixes across all maps including mesh holes and updated collision to better match the visual landscape 多项三角龙的冲撞问题修复 Various fixes to ramming issues with the Triceratops 更新了指标系统 Updated metrics systems cheat CopyCoordsToClipboard 命令可以在观察者模式下使用了(CopyCoordsToClipboard用于复制当前
  • 99
    上午闲雅发了个不怎么完整的翻译版,然后我帮他润色了一下。 十分高兴我们终于在2019年3月5日(美国东部时间)正式地将诸位期待已久的建筑+(Structure Plus)和饲料系统重置(以方舟家园包的形式)发布给所有的幸存者们! 只要你有想法,就可以建成你所想!方舟家园将加入玩家Orionsun赞助的建筑+(S+)的部分特色物件,长久以来,S+一直有大量玩家使用,并要求正式转正。我们特别高兴终于可以和我们的幸存者们分享S+! 方舟家园包中将包括如下新
  • 50
    方舟Homestead明天更新! 终于来了!我们很高兴能够在2019年3月6日向所有玩家发布Structure Plus(S +)和期待已久的饲料系统重做(现在作为' Homestead ' 整合在一起)! 以下是Homestead的新建筑物品: 专用大容量存储柜 三角形地基,天花板和屋顶 四层高的墙(4面小墙组成的大墙) 栅栏支撑水平墙 柔性管道和电缆 双门 斜坡/楼梯的可更换种类 现有建筑结构的新视觉变体 在建筑结构更新的同时,我们还在此补丁中包含了新的饲料系统!以前,饲料系
    老君上 11-25
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  • 49
    这是我们第一次为方舟做公共测试分支,所以下面的介绍虽然冗长但是很必要。 快速入门提示:在访问测试版分支之前,您应该为任何单人游戏丶角色或服务器文件建立一个备份,以防止任何损坏或玩家数据丢失。当您完成测试后,您需要导航回分支选择对话框并选择退出测试版(选择NONE)。在测试版时,您无法访问官方服务器,因为它们的版本不同。根据您的网络连接,此过程可能需要一些时间,因此如果您在官方服务器上执行任何对时间要求严
  • 69
    原先承诺的公共测试版包括S +和饲料的变化将在本周末推出,供PC玩家使用。当我们准备好分享构建时,我们将为您提供有关如何通过Steam选择加入此构建的更多信息。 S +将在测试版中的功能: 变化: 1.在ini文件中可配置建筑快速拾取时间(ServerSettings -> StructurePickupTimeAfterPlacement, default = 30)默认30秒 2.添加了新的ini配置选项以忽略持续时间并始终允许快速拾取(ServerSettings -> AlwaysAllowStructurePickup, default = false) 3.改进快速拾取HUD文本以避免与其他
    远方 2-20
  • 104
    附带原文对比 楼先开着 写完论文更新
  • 166
    - New Item: Tek Tapejara Saddle! - New Skill: Crafting Skill! Replaces Crafting speed. Crafting Skill increases crafted blueprint quality by up to a 33% multiplier on bonus stats for 100 points into Crafting Skill. The item then displays your name and your tribe name and indicates what percent bonus you received when crafting. It still increases the rate at which you can craft items, as well as grants higher stat benefits from cooking custom recipes. - New Feature: Corpse Locator! Upon death, a beam of light shoots into the sky to help the player locate where they died. Enabled on Official Ser
  • 148
    * New Weapon: Harpoon Gun (& Tranq Bolts for the Harpoon Gun) * New Dino: Hyaenodon * New Dino: Hesperonis * New Dino: Megatherium * New Dino: Megalania * New Dino: Yutyrannus * New Vehicle: Gas-powered speedy Motorboat * New Structure: Interactive Toilet http://kotaku.com/the-many-kinds-of-poop-in-ark-survival-evolved * 2 New Hairstyles * Memory reductions, texture memory & mesh optimization. * Greater Achievement set, with various cosmetics, hairstyles, & emotes unlocked as you get Achievements. * New client Options to disable giving cosmetics on respawn, and to disable menu musi
  • 152
    * New Mechanic: Aquatic & Amphibious Creature Breeding * New Dino: Equus! * New Dino: Leedsichthys! * New Dino: Ichthyornis! * New Dino: Iguanodon! * New Structures & Mechanic: Tek Underwater Bases * New Structure: TEK Teleporter * New Structure: TEK Mosa Saddle * New Structure: Tek Power Generator * Total Inventory Menu redesign (other UI's coming soon!) * Flyer Nerf (to allow server to recover Stamina when standing on a Flyer, run with ?AllowFlyingStaminaRecovery=true) * Reduced Vault Size * Limited one C4 attached per dino, unless you run with this console command: ?AllowMultipl
  • 94
    * New Dino: Electrophorus! * New Dino: Microraptor! * New Dino: Ammonite! * New Dino: Thylacoleo! * New Structure: Tek Forcefield * New Structures: Tek Tileset & Tek Doors * New additional head head hairstyle and additional facial hairstyle * 30 new Explorer Notes * Rocket Launcher & C4 rebalance: C4 now does approximately 70% more damage to Structures than Rockets. Rocket Launcher can no longer have Item Stats (though its base Damage has been increased 20% to compensate). Rocket Turrets now take a slight amount of damage when they fire, and can not fire under 5% HP. * C4-carrying Flye
    斩铁心 6-20
  • 40
    253.85 1.修复了仍处于旧版本的服务器发生崩溃的问题(253.8版本) 253.86 修复了当服务器加载旧版本的Mod时发生崩溃的问题。 253.87 为ARk开发者工具包增加更多的接口 253.9 1.修复了在TheCenter地图中食人鱼生成过多的问题,以及为TheCenter地图增加了最新的恐龙 2.修复了伪齿鸟在水面上无法转弯的问题 253.92 1.现在在服务器中可以使用以下命令行启动服务器"?AllowCrateSpawnsOnTopOfStructures=true"来允许补给箱出现在建筑物的顶部,而不是被建筑物包在里面。
  • 17
    253.71 1.平台鞍上梯子的重量现在包括在平台鞍生物的身上了 2.修复了一个平台鞍上床的重生漏洞 3.修复了巨齿龙出现在所有TheIsland的洞穴中的问题,以及修复了在5号洞穴中会被卡住的问题 4.迅猛龙圣诞老人的礼物中现在包含派对帽子和生日套装了(仅此一天;)) 253.8 1.结束冬日仙境活动 2.修复了在客户端中被巨齿龙/猪鳄抓住的飞行单位会掉到地图下面的问题 3.修复了巨兽门门框被毁的问题 4.修复了在床上重生时会穿过墙的问题 5.修复了已驯服的飞行
  • 29
    253.4 * Titanboas can be picked up by Dino carriers again (Argentavis etc). Requires Server Update. * Fixed Pegomastax losing stolen loot when its body was consumed by a predator. Now it will drop a loot bag if it has any loot. Requires Server Update. 253.5 * Fixed Neuter flag saving on Uploaded Dinos. * Fixed calculation errors with Spoiling Time. Requires Server Update. 253.51 * Therizinosaurus damage against non-harvestables reduced by 33% (kept the same against harvestables) * Troodon spawn frequency in jungles reduced by 40% * Troodon night-time sight range reduced by 25% 253.6 * Unridden
  • 26
    253.1 * All Winter Wonderland craftable cosmetics now properly appear in Cooking Pot. Requires Server Update. * Pegomastax can no longer steal your Engrams. Requires Server Update. * Reduced Taming times on Therizinosaurus and Tusoteuthis by 60%. Requires Server Update. 253.2 * Fixed Megalo/Kapro/Tuso carrying of Dinos on PvE servers * Fixed/improved Dinos getting stuck underground after being released by Tuso * Fixed some erroneous collision on TheCenter 253.3 * Fixed crash of Non-Dedicated Session Hosts * Made Kapro & Megalo able to continue holding their Prey after dismounting, added &q
  • 162
    * New Item: Photographic Camera. Take photos and apply them onto in-game onto Painting Canvases! * New Dino: Cnidaria! * New Dino: Troodon! * New Dino: Tusoteuthis! * New Dino: Pegomastax! * New Dino: Therizinosaurus! * 2 New Full-Scale Underwater Caves (progression-oriented with Artifacts!) * Winter Wonderland 2 Event! Follow Raptor Claus around The Island, Scorched Earth, and The Center as he drops items, coal, and the occasional tough-as-nails creature to keep you warm at night! Lots of cosmetics and the DodoRex make an appearance, along with new items! * Additional networking performance g
  • 20
    252.8 Requires Server Update. * Veg cakes should no longer be auto-consumed for Food by any dino except Achatina * Veg cakes WILL be auto-consumed by any Dino for Health if their HP is below 85% (yes, even Carnivores, though to minimal benefit on them :stuck_out_tongue: ). The Dino will consume one Veg cake every 10 seconds until it has above 85% Health again. * Chitin / Keratin can be placed in Feeding Troughs * Sauropod Tamed Health gain (leveled-up portion) reduced by 30% * Doedicurus and Carbonemys no longer gain Herbivore-healing from Veg Cakes * Veg Cake max healing amount limited to 300
  • 15
    252.22 * Fixed PhysX crash on TheCenter with large overlaps. Requires Server Update. 252.4 * Dedicated Server: Temporarily rolled-back PhysX version to 3.3 in order to resolve Memory Leak. Recommend upgrading to this version until 252.5 is ready which will fix the leak Requires Server Update. * When run with ?DestroyUnconnectedWaterPipes=true or official servers always, after two days real-time the pipes will auto-destroy if unconnected to any non-pipe (directly or indirectly) and no allied player is nearby. (edited) (you don't have to test that :wink: ) * Spam-structure building is now ra
  • 27
    * Fixed issue with ragdolls falling thru the ground (new PhysX inverted ray trace direction on terrain heightfields :-P). Requires Server Update * Fixed Megalosaurus losing its Tame Affinity whenever it wakes up due to Night-time. Requires Server Update * Signed additional PhysX DLL's to help resolve some BattlEye connection issues, and removed some unnecessary PhysX DLL's. 1.修复了尸体布偶穿过地面掉到地下的问题(新的英伟达物理加速引擎可以以射线形式反向追踪至地形的高度场:-P)。需要服务器端更新 2.修复了在夜间驯服巨齿龙
  • 22
    * Raised proximity structure limit to 10,500 (the structure limit is actually working now with the new PhysX!). Renamed the server variable to "TheMaxStructuresInRange" so that all servers get a one-time reset to the new value: ?TheMaxStructuresInRange=10500 (or in the [ServerSettings] of GameUserSettings.ini). Requires Server Update * You can now put Leech Blood in your quick item slots in order to feed it to the Moschops. Requires Server Update * Reintegrated the Item Quantity limits for various structures that was lost in the merge from v251. Requires Server Update 1.提高附近
  • 94
    * ARK: Turkey Trial 2! New challenge and cosmetics! Earnable Emotes! (this system also enables Mods to add more Emotes to the game!) * New Dinos: Achatina, Megalosaurus, Pachyrhinosaurus, & Moschops! * New Mechanic: Breeding Phase 3: Random Mutations and Family Trees. At last!!!! * All-new Caves on The Island, redesigned with proper shipping-quality layouts and graphics & increased challenge (ALL Cave Structures will necessarily be wiped in this version). (Still to come beyond this are the Underwater Caves & Tek Cave.) * 2 new mythos Explorer Notes for each character * Approximate
  • 21
    250.1 * Fix for user/server INI values not being properly utilized 250.2 * Fixed Wyverns / other creatures having infinite special-attack stamina when carrying a creature * Changed the following items to have only 1 stack, and retroactively applied this to help deal with an exploit: - Industrial Grinder - Chemistry Bench - Industrial Cooker - Tree Platforms - Industrial Grill - Vault - Industrial Forge - Ballista Turret - Minigun turret - Rocket turret - Oil pump - Cannon - Refrigerator - Air conditioner - Fabricator And these are now limited to 5 in a stack: - Huge Gates & Gate Frames (Wa
  • 63
    * Enabled full Cross-Ark Survivor/Item/Dino transfers between all Official Servers of a specific game mode (PvP, PvE, Primitive). * Added new server commandline/ini option ?MinimumDinoReuploadInterval=1000 for number of seconds cooldown between allowed Dino re-uploads (defaults to 0, set to 43200 on Official Servers which is 12 hours). Remaining cooldown time is displayed on the Dino Upload UI. * OfficialServer Transferred Dinos now display the name of the server they were transferred from when looking at them (only displays this info when dead if a non-Tribe Dino). * Fixed issue with Wild Din
    村中那歌 11-27
  • 74
    - Conclusion of Fear Evolved event: the Fear Evolved Structures will be removed, but any earned Cosmetic Items and ZombDodos/ZombWyverns remain! - Fix of Procedurally Generated ARK crashes, massive reduction in generation and loading time, fix for PGM's on Linux Servers and Mac & Linux Clients. (Wipes saved v1 PGM's, now is v2) - 1 new mythos Explorer Note for each character - "Ignore All Whistles" option for Dinos - Per-Alarm-Tripwire Option for Tripwires to not be set-off by Tribemates or Allied Tribes. (defaults to not be set off by Allies) - Alpha Mosasaurs now drop q
    追风飞... 11-27
  • 92
    * ARK: Fear Evolved 2 (event) * Re-Themed ARK, with shorter days / longer nights, colder temperature, scary creatures above-ground * DodoWyvern & ZombieWyvern Army, DodoWyvern Mask Skin (Scorched Earth) * DodoRex & ZombieDodo Army, DodoRex Mask Skin (Island & The Center) * New cosmetic items: Vampire Eyes, Werewolf Mask, and Clown Mask * Placeable "Carveable" Jackolanterns, Gravestones, & Scarecrows * Return of Fear Evolved 1 Bone Dino Costumes * New Bone Dino Costumes (Giga, Quetzal, Wyvern, Jerboa) * Witch Hat Skin for Survivors & Dinos is back! 1.ARK: Fear Evol
  • 19
    248.1 * Fixed issue with Dinos not eating or updating some parts of their AI! * Fixed issue with TheCenter preventing player connections 248.2 * Fixed ?OverrideOfficialDifficulty=5.0 (etc) on servers. Requires Server Update. * Fixed permissions on Neutering. * Fixed Diplocaulus unboarding movement in local play. 248.3 * Fixed collecting Explorer Notes while on Dinos (get a Dino XP Buff when you collect it on a Dino!!) * Fixed crash case with clients on PGM. Still have issues on a Linux Server, expected solution this weekend. 248.4 * Game support for custom Procedural ARK Generators (ala Mods)!
  • 169
    * You can now wield your weapons when mount-riding certain Dinos. The ARK Box Art is for reals ;) * New Feature: Procedurally Generated ARKs! EXPERIMENTAL INITIAL TEST! Details for Hosting Dedicated PGARK Here: * New Mechanic: Explorer Notes * New Dino: Kaprosuchus! * New Dino: Diplocalus! * New Dino: Chalicotherium! * Render batching optimization for ~20% perf in structure-heavy areas * Tree Platforms now have +70% HP and +50% resistance to explosive damage * Neuter/Spay option for Tamed Dinos (irreversible!) * Radial Wheel Menu text size now scales with number of entries (to avoid Diplodocus
  • 30
    247.91 * Fixed issue where Water Pipes & Electric Cables would not update their state correctly. Requires Server Update. Highly recomend that all servers upgrade for this fix! 247.93 * Made Dinos' current Following Target save. * Fixed a case where Tamed Dinos could be erroneously destroyed on load/unstasis. * Changed enemy-structure destruction log (for the victim tribe) to not display in Tribe Logs by default (instead, a generic structure destruction message is given). Use server setting "?TribeLogDestroyedEnemyStructures=true" to make it indicate the attacker tribe. 247.95
  • 37
    247.81 * Fixed overspawning and physics/collision volume issues on TheCenter. Requires Server Update. 247.85 * Fixed issue where player collision could get stuck on pipes/cables. Requires Server Update. * Added "-ClusterDirOverride=C:/TestStorage/" launch parameter to servers (use whatever path you want). This allows you to use a common cross-server storage location that functions between multiple servers running on the same machine. (And you also still need to launch with "-ClusterId=SOMETHINGUNIQUE" in order to get your box's servers to allow cross-transfer.) 247.9 *

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