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    @fengrui611126 来吧 今天先讲你对南斯拉夫解体的看法
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    求扩列 ,希望热爱英语的同志们帮忙关注下,本人23,爱足球爱英语,后续可能会翻译外网上的报道,或者致力于中国传统谚语,二十四节气介绍等的输出。@锦衣卫1996 @xxsunboy @慵懒不是颓废 @PZ_WEI @海豚九九
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    the difference beween "like" and "love" Like is "want to be with you", love is "can't live without you". Like is being together when you're happy, love is being together whenever. Like doesn't have tears, but love does. If you have been in relationships, you will find that, Like is replaceable with new one, love is eternal with mending and bearing. Like is fresh brook, appreciating the rays of light; love is deep sea, accepting everything about you. Like is a spur of the moment, love is bearing in mind all the time. You may pick the flower you like, but
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    足球无关生死,足球高于生死的译文,这是我的版本the results of football games are never compared with/ have nothing to do with life and death,but the spirits among them is beyond (the importance of life and death)/ more than life and death can compare. 爱英语的亲们有没有想交流的?
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