关注: 1 贴子: 23

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    小呆今天回广州了,我的心,空了。 这趟上海之行,心情很复杂。 比以前更了解小呆,也越来越接近一个秘密。 不经意间瞥见它的一瞬,让我的心至今绷得如弦满弓。 这几天我查阅大量资料,试图了解它,不想翻出更多疑惑。 这是一项浩大的工程,目标的基数是100亿,机会却可能只有一次。 能不能成功,我不知道。 现在手心里都是汗,沁得冰冷。 退缩的念头三番两次冒头,而那个对此一无所知的人此时也出现了焦虑,不知她是有所察觉,还是单
    kudo1017 10-8
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    我跟我老婆都非常喜欢推理,业余期间开发了这款微信小游戏,希望大家喜欢! 我跟我老婆因为推理结缘,从04年参加第一届网络推理大赛至今,大型的比赛参加过不下6届,最好名次拿过全国第7,可以说是非常硬核了,所以这款游戏也是非常硬核的。 我主要负责程序,我老婆负责美术,夫妻搭配,干活不累,谜题的部分以我老婆为主,我偶尔帮忙写一些。 如果对游戏有什么问题或建议欢迎联系我!有谜题推荐也欢迎来稿!
    kudo1017 4-14
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    哎,没想到需要启动这个计划。 算起来从去年10月开始找工作到现在,已经4个月了。1月的时候接到了广州电信的面试通知,当时经过2轮面试还以为没有问题了,没想到在最后节点还是跳票了。 没关系,打起精神了。小呆最近的状况不是很好,果然还是只能靠自己了。目前整理的公司信息如下: 安凯微电子 1、 数字芯片设计工程师 工作地点:广州、深圳 拟招人数:5人 要求: 1) 硕士学历,微电子、信号处理及计算机专业; 2) 掌握CMOS数字电路知
    kudo1017 5-6
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    kudo1017 2013-09
    kudo1017 9-11
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    I should have started this thread couples of months ago, for now I dont remember that how many clues have got lost. I have got a very bad memory ever since I was born, but only when I met u that this point came into something unforgivable & unbearable to me. Yes, I cant risk a feather on any issue about u. This thread is just to record every little changes that happened to me for giving u a better partner and company that u need. But don't worry honey, I do it for our love. Honey, I want u to remember that, not only the tattoo on my skin marks me as ur proprietary property, but also all th
    陈氵育 8-8
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    Well, I know that I still didn't get your permit of using this phrase...but please forgive me as you know how much I wanna try it and by the time you find this place I am still the only one knowing about all of these. Hahaha~love u winnie. uhmmmm, where to start...u've got missing again after ur last words on wechat at I promised u that to stay still until 48hrs after lost contact with u yesterday, I decided to stick to it. U said that u will get scared when I got crazy forur disappearance, only for this reason that I wanna do what u asked for u. But this, never can ease my worry ab
    kudo1017 5-15

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